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Aaron Ramsdale: Toys Out Of The Pramsdale


Obsessed with "Mature Trusted Members"

Country: Finland
To be fair to this forum, the general consensus when the links got serious was to give this lad a chance and fair play.

None of us would have picked him, but the initial pages are nowhere near as bad as I remembered. Maybe it was the transfer thread maybe.
It was the transfer thread, people were throwing their toys out and cursing the management to the deepest depths possible.


In The Winchester, Waiting For This To Blow Over

Country: Northern Ireland

Anyone find it weird how the commentator kept trying to blame him for the second goal?

Then again, that probably would have been me, if he didn't make a strong a start as he had here :lol:

Yousif Arsenal

On Vinai's payroll & misses 4th place trophy 🏆
Trusted ⭐
Nothing he could do in both goals imo maybe 2nd goal he shouldn't gone down early still couldn't do anything about it


Obsessed with "Mature Trusted Members"

Country: Finland
World class save for that Callagher shot at the end of first half. Otherwise solid again too.


Blonde Brigade Grand Wizard
Made a couple of top draw saves.

Speaks volumes about our performances this season when our best player so far this season has been our keeper.


Definitely Not An Old Poster
Anyone find it weird how the commentator kept trying to blame him for the second goal?

Then again, that probably would have been me, if he didn't make a strong a start as he had here :lol:
I did - It was weird, he kept going on and on about it. Don't think Rammers had the best game although he did a lovely line splitting pass at one point which made me sit up.

Mrs Bergkamp

Double Dusted
Dusted 🔻
A couple of top saves and really nothing he could do about the goals. The second one, maybe but I'm not sure. He's the first name on the team sheet for me.


It’s Timo Time

Country: Sweden
The way people overrate him here is stunning. He hasnt been significantly better than Leno. The fact that he is a different kind of person than the german make people ignore this. Its pathetic actually.


John Radford’s son
The way people overrate him here is stunning. He hasnt been significantly better than Leno. The fact that he is a different kind of person than the german make people ignore this. Its pathetic actually.
His distribution is absolutely levels above Leno.

His shot stopping may not be as good but he is a more rounded keeper than Leno. With potential to improve further.


Wilf Zaha Aficionado
Trusted ⭐
The way people overrate him here is stunning. He hasnt been significantly better than Leno. The fact that he is a different kind of person than the german make people ignore this. Its pathetic actually.
maybe the defence just needs more of a talker / organiser / cheerleeder as both Ramsdale & Emi looked to fit in seamlessly day one

its not really a slight on Leno probably more on the defenders

Pop Tart

Established Member
The way people overrate him here is stunning. He hasnt been significantly better than Leno. The fact that he is a different kind of person than the german make people ignore this. Its pathetic actually.
Needs a longer run of games to judge if he is a better player. Not rocket science


Established Member
People are being a bit harsh towards Leno. Yeah Ramsdale has done well, he's certainly the better keeper with the ball at his feet, but the goal he conceded against Sp**s was soft, as was the 2nd goal against Palace, he's made some great saves but he's still a very young keeper and the mistakes will be there. Plus, unlike Leno, he's had the luxury of playing behind a settled team, it's been the same defence every game he's played. Leno, on the other hand, was playing behind bums like Mari, Cedric, Chambers, Kola, etc, that changed every week.


Established Member
Read the last few pages. So many people on here sucking off 🐏dale. It’s sickening to see people gushing over such an average keeper.

He will get shown up before the end of the season. Then his fans will say he’s a young keeper still learning and make excuses for the future poor performances. :facepalm:

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